Free Your Mind And Organize

Being organized  is a tough task. As moms, we have these invisible lists that generate in our brains from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep. I love how this mom-ism is shown in the Sarah Jessica Parker movie "I Don't Know How She Does It." When I lay in bed in the morning, I see the lists on the ceiling of everything I need to remember, do, not do, delegate, buy, clean, defer and say. Unfortunately, the lists usually wake me up about five minutes before my alarm clock sounds... so unfair, huh?

Well, as daunting and depressing as this seems, there are ways to keep above water. As a working mom, juggling a career and family, I understand firsthand all the challenges that come with holding it all together. I've definitely forgotten my share of anniversaries, morning meetings and school spirit nights. But one thing I've learned through it all is to not sweat the small stuff. There's no "Mom Manager" keeping tally on all the things you are or aren't doing to build up your Mommy Brownie Points. Although there's pressure from sources all around us, realizing that we can't be everything to everyone all of the time is the first step to mommy organization. I've learned that trusting in God, and doing what you CAN help keep a sane brain.

So, how do we keep it together? Minimalism is the answer. Ever heard the term "a cluttered house leads to a cluttered mind"? Well, when you've worked a 10 hour day, are staying up late doing a science project and there's a sofa harboring laundry to fold, how cluttered is your mind? Extremely! Take off the cape, and minimize your world-saving list to what you CAN do in a single day. Here's some of the tools I love that help me with this:

  1. Run Your Own Family Business - Women tend to be great project managers at work. Overlapping some of that talent at home is very beneficial. Creating family calendars, and setting family meetings to talk about bills and budgeting is super helpful for not letting things slip through the cracks. It also helps to prioritize when you see the full plate - you won't feel so obligated to do everything all of the time.
  2. Give Everything a Home - A huge part of organizing your family (and your mind) is by creating systems and purpose for everything in your house. The mail, your kid's stack of papers he brings home everyday, the dog's toys that are randomly place around the house... Everything should have a home. Baskets and filing systems are cheap, easy to manage and will save you so much time in the long run.
  3. Stop Trying to Commit It To Memory - Many of us have smart phones nowadays, and barely use them to their entirety (me included). I had no idea what my phone could do until I took the time and dove into it. Using reminders and notes/tasks in your phone is an easy way to defer things to a machine instead of trying to remember it all in your brain. You have the tools, now use them!
Here are some great organizing sites I reference for ideas all the time. Be inspired and get organized!

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